

Committed to building a healthy sales organisation.

Our mission is to help you develop sales strategies, processes and teams

that are buyer-driven and single-minded about H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. sales.


Humanise contact

Connecting in a genuine way, building trust and using curiosity to foster healthy relationships which helps develop resilience to thrive in a constantly changing sales environment.

Energise creativity

Becoming an instigator, committed to abandoning preconceived solutions or identified problems in order to drive creativity and innovation which helps build and maintain self-worth as a modern-day sales professional.

Act to serve

Moving to a coaching mindset where the focus is on serving others which creates purpose and boosts confidence to deliver value.

Listen with intent

Beginning every interaction with the sole purpose of gaining understanding, which creates empathy, dilutes conflict, and increases social connectedness to maintain healthy sales engagements.

Thrive in conflict

Gaining mastery in using conflict as opportunities for growth which helps manage negative emotions and combats low self-esteem to build a sustainable sales environment.

Hone the goal

Ensuring that as you develop relationships you are constantly guiding everyone to revisit their intentions and overarching goal, which drives trust and delivers measurable outcomes.

Yield power

Detaching from your perspective and instead focusing on guiding others to co-create solutions which forges self-empowerment and builds a collaborative sales engagement.


The world’s only coaching-based sales system. It transforms a sales professional into a BUYonomist – acting as a coach to the buyer and helping facilitate the buying process. Comprised of 7 practices to develop H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. sales performance with in-built neuro tools to deliver sales targets without sacrificing wellbeing.

To deliver the HEALTHY Sales Team Promise

Achieve Targets

Consistently deliver against agreed sales targets without increasing bad stress.

Deliver Margins

Maintain or increase margins without sacrificing self-worth.


Acquire new clients, enter new markets, create new channels without impacting self-esteem.

As 21st century Sales Leaders Do

For over 25 years we have been privileged to work with some of the most forward-thinking

sales leaders in the IT industry – together we have challenged the status quo

to find a better way of building value. Here’s a flavour of the company we’ve kept:


“In working with us The Fusebox certainly had some challenges to overcome in terms of complexity, timescales and requirements but they dealt with those challenges really well. I think the process itself was fascinating and very valuable… I’ll be taking away some key lessons around planning and collaboration.”

Nick Wright, Alliances Manager, Softcat
“Personally I have more purpose in my work as a sales person when I can focus on carefully selected prospects and bring genuine value to them during their buying process.”
Anu Hemmila, Sales Executive, Staria
“The Fusebox programme and the frameworks and tools it introduces are invaluable. I would encourage anyone in the business to use them… The proof is in the pudding; to win back a £4 million account in today’s market is a really fantastic achievement”
IBM Business Sector Manager (Hardware)

“Since January my average deal size has tripled.”

Business Development Manager (Storage)
“My new sales engagement approach using BUYERnomics and asking better questions has helped me to be more strategic in my thinking and as a result has put me in front of the new CIO at a major client site.”
Account Manager (Charities)
“Figure-wise we had some great growth: we grew by 146% revenue and margin was up 136%”
Account Manager (Security)

Creating Together

From short-term interventions, to managed services or comprehensive tailored programmes to tackle sales challenges and opportunities.

Sales Planning

Sales Engagement

Sales Performance

The Sales Negativity Loop

A sales negativity loop is when you are experiencing poor sales performance and begin to have negative self-appraisals which in turn lead to a loss of confidence

How HEALTHY is your sales practice? 

For a free diagnostic on how your personal sales style contributes to your mental fitness, please complete the form HERE.  We will send you a link to our online BUYonomist Wellbeing Index assessment.

If you are responsible for the mental fitness of a sales team and would like to know how you measure on the BUYonomist Wellbeing Index, please contact us on info@thefusebox.com for a complimentary assessment.

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